XaaS / SaaS Revenue
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Industry standard: price increasesHello everyone, I am working for a SaaS company that has a lot of customers who renew their subscriptions annually. Due to certain reasons, we need to increase the prices for our existing customers. …Answered LIUBOMYR POLIARUSH 175 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by Hal Stanley Technology & Services Strategy
XaaS Services Delivery & OperationsWhat are the essentials for MSPs or Solution Integrators to be successful in providing services & delivery for XaaS offers ? How do we enable the delivery organization to best deliver for XaaS ?Suresh Kandeeban 31 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Carlos Alves Services Delivery & Operations
What is the ideal service operations & delivery structure for MSPs to be successful in XaaS World ??Answered Suresh Kandeeban 21 views 1 comment 1 point Most recent by Carlos Alves Services Delivery & Operations
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