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How to centrally delete data from local machine, which got downloaded from specific site

For troubleshooting issues, support engineers open a support ticket and download log files to their local machine. How to manage the downloaded files in local machine. i.e. delete those downloaded files from local machine once the support ticket is closed. Is there a commercial tool available in the market? or is there a solution which internal team can build?


  • Sometime users download production data to local machine for troubleshooting. User forgets to delete those data. When laptop is compromised, there is a risk of production data leakage. How to detect and delete those production data from user's laptop.

  • Lexi Provost
    Lexi Provost Member | Scholar ✭✭
    edited February 2021

    Hi Sekhar!

    Thank you for your question. Feel free to complete our Technology Stack Survey for Support Services to see what kind of information we have around technologies that are used by other support organizations in the industry.

    @Daniel Coullet, @Joe Thomas, @Sumit Bhat and @Saurabh Sharma any insight you can provide?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] | admin
    edited February 2021

    Hi @Sekhar Mohanty,

    It sounds like this is related to IT remote management of support engineers and their devices. Is that correct? If so, this sounds like the productivity layer of the support services technology stack. You can take a look at some options here:

    @John Ragsdale do you have any suggestions?

  • John Ragsdale
    John Ragsdale Member | Guru ✭✭✭✭✭
    edited February 2021

    Unfortunately I don't track this sort of technology, which would be required by IT departments to secure customer data in case of a breach of an employee laptop. These tools are in the domain of IT/CIO, so a bit outside my expertise. Hopefully another member can chime in if they have experience with these.

    I'm seeing more automation provided to analyze log files to identify potential problems. Hopefully as these tools become more widely adopted, the files can be loaded from the customer machine to a shared server/location that offers high security, and the analysis will take place from that location, and eliminate storing any customer data on individual laptops.

  • @Patrick Carmitchel I went through the white-paper. I liked the paper, it gives a good overview of support tools.

    Here I am talking about how to manage the download of attachment to local system (sometime attachments need to be downloaded for server products, so that troubleshooting can be done)

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