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Has anyone used Jira for the Agile project management and capacity planning of Curriculum Teams?

Hi everyone,

We are coming to the close of phase 1 of our implementation of Agile working, using Jira as a project management tool for end-to-end technical training. We have developed a functioning project set-up and best practice, but are looking to improve as we go.

During phase 2, we will be developing our ability to use Jira + Aha! for the capacity planning of Curriculum Team members.

Has anyone got any best practice tips for either of the above? Particularly how to achieve an optimum balance of team admin and reporting capability.

Any suggestions gratefully received! :)



  • Edly Villanueva
    Edly Villanueva Member | Enthusiast ✭
    edited September 2021

    Hello @LizDodsworth,

    Thank you reaching out to the TSIA Exchange. I'm also curious on what the TSIA Exchange response will be on this. Hi @AlyssaOrtiz @BillHor @Christina Major @Christy Vega @Haytham Nasr and @MariaManning-Chapman - Any insights on the use of Jira for Agile project management and capacity planning of Curriculum teams?

  • Maria Manning Chapman
    Maria Manning Chapman Member | Guru ✭✭✭✭✭

    Liz, this is Maria Manning-Chapman, the research analyst for the Education Services practice area. I don't have many education members that are using Agile methodologies for content development. I can think of one member that is, but I don't know if that member uses Jira as part of their Agile implementation. I have sent that member an email and asked her to respond here in the Exchange platform. So, I'm hoping that she will be able to provide you some insight regarding the usage of Jira. Stay tuned...



  • Hi @MariaManning-Chapman and @EdlyVillanueva, thank you so much!

    We are still developing our Agile approach, so any insights we could receive would be very helpful regardless of Jira usage. Particularly how to build a transformational Agile mindset for those with backgrounds who are naturally rooted in ADDIE.

    For a little context, our Education Services team sit under Product who already have Agile bedded in as a working practice. We have turned to them for guidance, but as curriculum development has project management needs that are very distinct from product development, we're looking for people who have experience in implementing in this specific field.

    Look forward to speaking more :)

  • Maria Manning Chapman
    Maria Manning Chapman Member | Guru ✭✭✭✭✭

    Liz, let me speak with the other member and see if she is willing to conduct a member-to-member call with you. That will be easier than the two of you going back and forth in Exchange. Can you send me your email address? Send to maria.chapman@tsia.com. Then I can try and get you and the other member connected.

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