Are there online community benchmarks?

Are there any industry benchmarks around healthy online community forum activities? Specifically:
1) Forum Activity - based on the size of community, how many new questions and new comments occur on average?
2) What is an average percentage of unanswered questions?
3) What is an average percentage of solutions found / answered questions?
In Exchange we're working to:
1- Promote Engagement and Nurturing practices.
2- <5%
3- <10%
Metrics 2 and 3 are results of your actions under #1.
You may find this valuable:
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Thanks, Carlos! That's very helpful. Enjoy the weekend!
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I would recommend checking out content by Richard Millington of or Carrie Melissa Jones:
Carrie did a webinar with Vanilla on this very topic (Now Higher Logic Vanilla - full disclosure, my company and TSIA partner):
Richard's website with a whole section dedicated to ROI
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Thank you!
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Beverly, a really great presentation was conducted by Red Hat at the 2021 conference in Las Vegas. Here is the URL to the presentation: Learning Together: How a Learning Community Can Enhance Your Business
Let me know if a member-to-member call might be of interes.
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Thanks, Maria!
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@BeverlyvandeVelde, I know this is an older thread, but these will vary based on the community purpose, maturity, etc. Establishing a benchmark for your community is usually best. However, if you're still interested in data, there is also great data in historical The Community Roundtable State of Community Management reports - I'd skip the recent two and focus on prior reports. I have all of them as a former member of TheCR and a participant in the working group involved in the project, so I'm happy to help if you're still interested in this data. I'm also a data geek re: communities, so happy to share what I've seen in communities that I've managed.
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Thanks, @Heather Ausmus. I'll forward your reply to the OneStream Software Senior Community Strategist.