What does your company offer as a unified ecosystem / platform for ALL learning assets?

Per the subject, I'm exploring how we can package all learning assets from individual components into a unified ecosystem or platform (i.e., unifying the Partner/Customer learning experience). The main challenge today is that we have a lot of complex learning content types (aka., assets such as premium on demand, premium instructor-led, micro courses, podcasts, Tech Talks (i.e., webinars), QuickTips (short videos), physical textbooks, online community [including course forums], certification exams, etc.) and people don't know everything that exists.
Other challenges include: From a tool perspective, everything is siloed (e.g., LMS, online community, product docs, books, ILT registration, LMS registration, etc.). In order to access different learning assets, there are different modes of registration. People question: "What learning should I take? When should I take it?" and learning paths only recommend so much and become stale as we release new assets every month. Enterprise search will only do so much and is currently dependent on AI functionality, which will take time for AI/ML to intelligently build learning paths based for different roles and by content / learning asset type. People don't have a singular way to subscribe to all or some learning assets. We rely solely on marketing, which is limiting, for people to know what learning assets are related (i.e., suggested content). And, if we solely rely on enterprise search functionality, we lost already because people shouldn't need to search to begin with (e.g., It's like walking into a restaurant and having to ask for a menu).
So, I'm curious to know if anyone else has found the 'silver bullet' so that Customers, Partners and Employees will easily be able to know what learning assets they should take, where they can find, how they can register or access it, and understand related learning assets. Is there the perfect and modern [think AI/ML integrated] LXP out there? Or, has your company built something custom, perhaps using WordPress for a microsite on your company's website? Moodle could be an option, but that takes a lot of development work to address the challenges I described above.
There is (not yet) a silver bullet from my view - and in the case anybody knows one let us know ;-) . We tried different approaches, and focussed a lot on search + AI, but currently we're going back to the question: how is the Client approaching learning? And in our case Clients want learning paths, that are guiding them. Ideally with questions / quizzes to help them skipping learning - and a confirmation from time to time that they succeeded. So, we're moving toward a structured approach (instead of pushing out learning as you described) by saying "Does this learning fit into a path? Why? Then let's adopt the path. And the Clients can pick and chose. All paths are having quizzes + badges as digital credentials - and 3 levels of Certification. If I say "all pathes" then this means it is true for 80% of our products, but the model can be flexible and there may be products where the path is just 2 courses, or products with a path without Certification as it is too short and simple. But we have a structure that is guiding people in general by path.
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I agree with @Alexander Ziegler , no silver bullet out there because it'd depend on many integrations of tools and processes across different organizations.
In the past, I worked with proprietary tools, mainly from a tech vendor, that shared access with partners and customers.
Another example I saw is to publish this content on a community tool/website, where you may control access to content and gaming progress - as the badging system mentioned above.
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Thanks @Alexander Ziegler and @Carlos Alves.
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So far the best implementation of this that I have seen is Salesforce Trailhead (https://trailhead.salesforce.com/). Salesforce has a lot of content and they have broken down content into course, trails, trail mixes, etc. and added badges and certifications on top of the courses and then mixed it all up into a full fledged set of courses. It's gamified since you get simple content and badges and then there is advanced content with quizzes, testes, and certification courses. It's really well done and they also sell it now as a solution you can buy. I have not seen any other version of this that's so comprehensive.
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Thanks @Slava Kovelman.