Support Services productivity through the pandemic...

Hi All,

I would love to hear how was your support team productivity impacted since the pandemic start.

And, what is your top KPI for productivity?

Stay well!

Best Answers


  • Kirill Markelov
    Kirill Markelov Founding Member | Scholar ✭✭
    edited June 2020

    Hi Matan, our support team have few productivity metrics: first response time, case management data quality, NPS, and couple of knowledge management KPIs. We don't push for number of cases taken/answered if this is what you mean by productivity because we believe NPS and level of SLA fulfilment are giving us a picture of if we allocate resources correctly.

    In terms of impact of pandemic - impact was very predictable (and predicted). In advance we moved some people from Field Services to Support to manage the increased volume and overall it worked well.

  • Matan Ilan
    Matan Ilan Member
    edited June 2020

    Thank you @Kirill Markelov I am actually looking for case resolution/handling KPIs. Of course we monitor others as well.

  • Thanks you for your response, can you please share how you measure utilization?

  • We saw an initial rush in volume in the beginning (March was our busiest month ever), but we were able to mobilize. We have since seen average case volumes, but are able to handle it better, since we have less call outs and vacation being taken, in general. Our teams shifted into WFH quite nicely, and I truly believe it has made our team more focused and more cohesive. I hear from my direct reports all the time (especially from those with opposite working hours) that they feel more in tuned with the team, now that video conferences and side chats are less frequent in meetings.

    For data, from the agent perspective we look at:

    • Cases owned
    • Cases closed
    • Cases escalated
    • Case updates made
    • Total calls
    • Avg talk time
    • Avg Customer Survey Score
    • Avg Quality Assurance score

    Its debated which metric is the top one, we all have opinions there, the reality is all of them are indicators on agent productivity,, with our current configuration (tiered support) and capability (phone and online portal submitted cases). We have a few process improvements ahead of us, in order to start to focus on other KPI's like First Contact Close or Time to Close, before we roll out more channels of support like chat and email.

Go to the TSIA Portal for more information and insights.