Are you seeing a reduction in partner labor rates?

An effect of the pandemic has been an increase in the unemployment rate. With the labor market not as constrained as it was a year ago, have you seen as an outcome a willingness of third parties to reduce their labor rates.
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I have not. Perhaps because the kind of people we work with are in higher demand. The skills needed in the digital economy remain in very high demand and if anything I expect the short term trend to be upwards. As more people gain the necessary skills this may change, but I am sceptical. It is one of the critical uncertainties we are exploring regarding the future of work.
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I have not seen a decrease in labor rates from our partners either.
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We have not seen a decrease in labor rates. I would agree with @Steven Forth. There is still a lot of competition. People who are currently employed (with a high demand skillset) seem uncertain about switching jobs (even for a better role/more pay) right now.
We are hearing across our channel partners that open positions are being filled more quickly (weeks, not months).
I heard on the radio this morning that many people are considering changing jobs. Apparently working at home gives one more time to focus on the work part of work rather than the social aspects and to ask is this what I really want to spend my time doing. I have not tracked this down or validated it, but it is an interesting thought. it led me to ask 'How can I make the work part of work more engaging and rewarding for my team?' It also got me thinking, 'Is using my system part of the work that my customer's employees enjoy?'