What new techniques are being used to develop customer relationships when delivering remotely?

Thomas Lah
Thomas Lah Member | Guru ✭✭✭✭✭
edited February 2023 in Services Delivery & Operations

This is a question that came out of our interactive member to member session on "extreme remote services." Companies are concerned it will be harder to build personal relationships with customers when delivering remotely.

Best Answers


  • Carlos Alves
    Carlos Alves TSIA Administrator, Moderator, Founding Member | admin

    agree with video ON, @Joe Thomas .

    We're trying to use real background, to get a personal touch. And also you must have a schedule with the customer: more interactions, but fixed agenda and short meetings (no more than 20-25min) to make them more efficient.

  • Alexander Ziegler
    Alexander Ziegler Founding Member | Expert ✭✭✭

    As I agree with the short videos @Carlos Alves and shorter sessions @Joe Thomas the summary what to do from IBM view is on https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/i-pledge-support-my-fellow-ibmers-working-from-home-during-krishna/

    Most people in my area (and we're all working with Partners + Clients + Internally) is: following all the rules (short, personal backgrounds, accept with and without video, right times) creates over the time a real great climate. I think especially if you start executing people will follow. I see a significant change around me. Earlier this week somebody finally said "Alex, at the end this is really like meeting F2F..."

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