Microlearning & Educational Services

AlyssaOrtiz Founding Member | Scholar ✭✭
edited August 2020 in Revenue Growth

Today those in the education space see that the popular topic is shifting towards microlearning content. Any tips or recommendations on resources for newbies? If you have taken this approach, any trends around customer engagement that you can share? 


  • Elise Lostutter
    Elise Lostutter Founding Member | Scholar ✭✭

    @Alyssa Ortiz this topic is top of mind for us right now as we know we need those micro resources but aren't sure yet how we're going to execute. So many things to think about - how to segment content (by product, user persona, skill level, etc.), where will content live, who will create, what tools will we use. Really interested to see responses to your question!

  • Ana Howes
    Ana Howes Member | Enthusiast ✭

    I would definitelly start with training on products, but would also engage some customers as well to get their insight. Whatever appraoch you take, it needs to work for a customer so I would recommend that you create a smaller user group and get the insights that you need.

  • Alexander Ziegler
    Alexander Ziegler Founding Member | Expert ✭✭✭

    Focussing on products is a good idea. We see even in our Learning Subscriptions today that there is a certain amount of people buying our whol Subscription, but at the end taking really just some pieces out of it focussing on one product. So, I can confirm that there is a need for small + quick learning on product level. Interesting to add now from this experience: we still believe our whole Subscription is a good solution for those people, as it exposes them to more of our products. We do not plan to offer something small as a stand-alone "microlearning". But I am sure there are other memember with of additional insight on this.

  • StevenForth
    StevenForth Founding Partner | Expert ✭✭✭

    To give a bit of a contrarian perspective, we recently did a microlearning program that was not about products. My colleague and I had been scheduled to do a workshop for the Professional Pricing Society's spring conference. For obvious reasons, this was cancelled. We decided to offer it as an online workshop supported by microlearning. We sent twelve short 'lessons' out before the workshop and six lessons after the workshop. The lessons were a combination of core concepts (videos and interactive games), surveys to better understand people's aspirations for the workshop, data gathering to personalize the workshop cases, and then in the follow up after the virtual workshop summaries of the collaborative case study and tools that people could use in their own work (the tools were for scenario planning and creating a portfolio of pricing actions for the different scenarios developed). This was very effective. In fact it was far more effective as measured by engagement, surveys, NPS and business generation than any other learning program or workshop we have offered. We did it using simple technology, no new investments here.

    Given this success we are going to offer additional microlearning programs, both coupled with virtual workshops and standalone. We are now investigating some platforms we can use to deliver this more effectively (I suggest you do this once without investing in technology so that you can get a better understanding of your needs).

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