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What does a good 'offer' look like to bring to life the MS Offer Continuum

Hi Folks,

We are on the MS transformation journey and have adopted the TSIA MS Offer Continuum. Being a traditional Product-led organisation we are grappling with what a good offer looks like, say for Monitor. We have delivered these kinds of capabilities / outcomes previously through complex solutioning, but want to simplify that process and improve the customer experience.

anyone got any points of reference they could share?


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Senior MSC and Gainsight Specialist | mod

    Hi Matt,

    I am no expert in the MS space but I was able to find a great resource that might be useful. This blog post by Jeff Connolly (Sr. Director, Managed Services Research) touches on some great offer development topics. At the bottom there is also some great added related content that might help.

    I hope this was useful and relevant. Still interested to hear from others in the community!

  • Carlos Alves
    Carlos Alves TSIA Administrator, Moderator, Founding Member | admin

    You may look at product characteristics, but it is important to get a feeling on the customer needs, such as customer journey, or business process mapping.

    You may specialize your pitch/solution to a vertical and address a business problem. Microsoft told a lot about this during Inspire 2020.

    For sure you must think on adding to the licensing offer: activation (with PS) and adoption (with CS) to generate value for the customer.

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