Who owns updates to your company’s Service Status page?

Hi TSIA Community,

Who owns updates to your company’s Service Status page? Support, Engineering, another team?

We’re currently deliberating about https://statuspage.splashthat.com/.

Thank you!


  • StevenForth
    StevenForth Founding Partner | Expert ✭✭✭

    Customer Success

    Of course in the current world this needs to be more than a page and updates via social media are important.

  • PatrickMartin
    PatrickMartin Founding Analyst | Expert ✭✭✭


    Our Cloud Operations team owns the status page, but Support contributes by notifying them of issues that are reported that should be published on the page.

  • Hi,

    we have the Operations team owning that through automation in our Support Portal. This applies for the wider Service disruptions.

  • In my previous company it was managed by Security & Operations + Product Development.

  • Neal Hatton
    Neal Hatton Member | Enthusiast ✭

    R&D Cloud DevOps -- ie the staff who manage the platform/infrastructure

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