How to track partial churn

I was wondering if I could get some insight on best practices to track partial churn. We utilize Salesforce Opportunities to track our renewals and Gainsight as our CS tool. We can easily track full churn, as the opportunity is marked as lost, but if a customer decides to only renew 2 out of 3 products, for example, our current process is to modify the quote to the right products and then the opportunity is marked as won. In the background, we then mark what product was removed, but obviously, that's a very manual process and a reporting nightmare.
How does your company handle this? Ideally, I'd like to accomplish it using our current tools without introducing another expense/tool to our team.
Hi Admir,
Thank you for your question! @Kelsey Hunsinger, @Gavin O'Leary, @David Bisciotti do any of you have experience with this? We would love to hear your feedback!
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@AdmirHadziabulic It may be more helpful to consider shifting the reporting of that metric from Salesforce to Gainsight. For instance, you can report on partial churn as seen in the link below. As you've shared, it may be a little more complex, depending on the company and how you manage your opportunities, to achieve this in your SFDC reports.
@Denise Stokowski may have the inside scoop on this 😊 for your specific use case. @Courtney Ellis , or @Andrew Cromey how are you reporting out on partial churn?