TSIA World INTERACT Conference Orlando Apr 29-May 1, 2025
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What Resource and Workforce Management Challenges are you Facing?

Randy Mysliviec
Randy Mysliviec Founding Partner | Scholar ✭✭

How has your resource and workforce management been impacted by the global crisis?


  • BriannaRuddle
    BriannaRuddle Member | Enthusiast ✭
    edited June 2020

    Hi Randy,

    You may find some insight into this question from Thomas Lah's, "Navigating Hazy Horizon". 

    Here a brief overview of what will be discussed:

    Leadership teams are defined by their response in a crisis. Right now, leadership teams are navigating one of the greatest crises to face the modern world. There are two common responses when a crisis hits:

    1. Focus all of your resources on the urgent issues.
    2. Put everything else on hold.  

    The history of business informs us that this is not the winning approach. 

    This paper was written to help leadership teams at technology companies navigate three distinct strategy conversations:

    • How to respond to the urgent issues being created by the global pandemic.
    • How to reprioritize initiatives for this coming year.
    • How to set up for success post-crisis.

  • Jaime Farinos
    Jaime Farinos Founding Member | Scholar ✭✭

    The global situation affects everyone in every kind of business. Stress levels increase. My focus is to ensure that first people feel as safe and healthy as possible. Business results come after.

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