How rapidly does your company disposition enhancement requests?

Neal Hatton
Member | Enthusiast ✭
When customers submit product enhancement requests, they should be dispositioned (ie ruled on and decided go/no go) in order to avoid the customer perceiving that their request went into a "black hole."
At your company, three questions:
- Is your firm good at making a crisp, yes/no decision on enhancement requests?
- When the decision is "yes" to proceed with the enhancement request, do you communicate to the customer the product version and approximate release date that the enhancement request will appear in, at or near the time of the decision?
- Within what time period to aim for to make the disposition decision? In other words, from date of receipt of the enhancement request and the clock is ticking, how long does it take to get a definitive answer to the customer?
- yes, but always improving method and criteria.
- yes.
- usually 4 weeks.
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