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Would anyone have best-practices and/or recommendations regarding measuring TAM workload and impact?

Having recently taken ownership of a relatively new Technical Account Managers team and completed a strategic review of the service, there are two key requirements on which I'd appreciate any input. We're already developing some ideas on both counts, but thought we'd ask here so as to not needlessly reinvent the wheel.

Although my questions specifically speak of a TAM offer, I do believe any concepts applied to similar roles (e.g., CSMs) could be relevant.

1) How do you measure TAM workload and/or account effort?

It seems essential to ensure that accounts are assigned to TAMs that have the available bandwidth to offer them the best possible experience. Meanwhile, the amount of effort required by a given account may vary quite largely. Has anyone identified methods to measure account effort and TAM workload in order to optimize account assignment?

2) How do you measure and show TAM impact?

I do not think anyone here needs to be convinced that TAMs can positively contribute to the overall experience of customers, and therefore positively impact expansions and renewals, but have you found successful ways to directly measure and show these effects? There of course seems to be a list of more obvious KPIs but they generally may appear as somewhat indirectly correlated. What has been successful for you and your organization?

Thanks in advance to all!


  • Neal Hatton
    Neal Hatton Member | Enthusiast ✭


    Q1: How do you measure TAM workload and/or account effort?

    For workload you can consider to have the TAMs input their time into a time-tracking system at the end of the week to summarize how much time they spent on various activities. This could be done by account, so you can compare how much time is spent servicing one account vs. the others. From there you can produce dashboards, pareto charts, etc to visualize which TAMs are over-worked or which accounts are consuming the most resources. You can also allow more than 40 hours of time per week to be input into the system, to account for people working overtime or working on weekends. You might find some of the TAMs are putting in 60 or or more hours per week potentially.

    Q2. How do you measure and show TAM impact?

    Annual Recurring Revenue - ARR, Net Recurring Revenue - NRR, and customer satisfaction surveys appear to be some of the most common measures for TAM impact. If the TAMs are making an impact, you should see the amount of spend the customer is doing increasing vs. time. The customer satisfaction survey will tell you whether or not the TAM is "clicking" with the customer and whether or not the customer likes working with the TAM and sees value in the TAM's interactions with the customer.

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