Is there a Support tool that stores customer specific info?

Is there such a thing as one support tool that accommodates easy access to specific account data (like architecture diagrams). I want engineers working tickets to be able to reference information that expedites problem solving while providing personalized service. Salesforce/service cloud is not an option.

We are a small team using Zendesk and there's nowhere to store account related content - unless I'm missing something.

All ideas are welcome and if the solution really is two tools and you're doing that successfully, I'd love to hear about it.

Thank you.


  • Carlos Alves
    Carlos Alves TSIA Administrator, Moderator, Founding Member | admin

    I used ServiceNow in the past, and we could keep this data as part of the knowledge base.

    There are other options that you create/use a KMS and integrate with your ticket system.

    Another suggestion would be if you have your documents well stored and governed in SharePoint or Google Drive, you can create links to an opening page.

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