Success Hub for Digital Customer Success in Community

We are beginning our DCS journey, including creating a foundational success hub in our community. I'd love to hear what other success hubs look like? What kind of content do you feature? Is it a separate "hub" in your community or integrated within? How do customers leverage it? Etc.


  • Carlos Alves
    Carlos Alves TSIA Administrator, Moderator, Founding Member | admin

    As a user, I remember Cisco’s and Microsoft’s.

    The first had content for download organized in the journey steps. You could keep track of what you used, but not evolve or assess your level automatically.

    The second offered short videos to help in adoption. Better than long training videos or downloads. They were grouped by product and you could keep track as you evolved in knowledge on that product.

    Here in TSIA we’re planning on integrating the content to Member’s needs.

    Hope it helps.

  • Denise Stokowski
    Denise Stokowski Founding Member | Scholar ✭✭

    This is how we have defined the needed experiences for a Digital Hub that you build up - goal of one destination for your customers. You can also design push programs that lead customers to the Hub and make it accessible from within your product(s).

    Homepage & Federated Search Improve the customer experience by creating a single, searchable destination for all customer resources (LMS, Knowledge Base, Events (live and webinar), Community, Product Ideas, Support access, and personalized space related to that customer's use and specific success plans).

    Community Q&A and Discussions Increase peer-to-peer engagement through forum categories with gamification to promote participation. 

    Knowledge Base Host all FAQ, how to’s, guides, and other Customer Success content in one single knowledge base.

    Online Events & Groups Facilitate discussions in local or business user groups and promote online events for 1-Many engagement.

    Product Updates & Ideation Encourage feedback by providing release updates,  letting customers submit ideas and facilitate product & beta discussions.

    Identity Login Experience Make it seamless so that you can identify the user and tailor the experiences to them

    Track Consumption Track what users are doing in the hub and what they are consuming on the hub that you can marry with your product telemetry data.

  • @Carlos Alves @Denise Stokowski thank you both for your reply! Great insight!

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