what do you base service offering pricing on?
Since a couple of months, i've been in charge of transforming our product catalog of ICT & connectivity offerings with adjacent (unstructured) services into a service-oriented approach, ultimately resulting in an end-to-end (managed) services offering.
As i'm bundling our current services in repeatable service offerings, we're having pricing discussions; we resell solutions from a host of vendors and add service pricing as a percentage on top. However, this was historically based on hardware but going into software licenses this kind of pricing makes no sense anymore.
How do you price services like monitoring, service desk, support etc when reselling?
That's a great challenge, @Stefaan Wuytack .
The trend we are seeing is about creating Premium Offers https://www.tsia.com/blog/how-effective-are-you-at-monetizing-service-offers
In my experience as a HW reseller changing into a managed services provider, I used to price services as a % of the hardware components. We evolved the model to create a Standard offer (% of HW) and a Premium offer (costing the services due to its SLAs and added value).
If you have the chance, watch Thomas Lah's opening keynote at TSIA World: Interact (Tuesday 9th, at 9AM EST): https://www.linkedin.com/events/openingkeynote-youcan-tcutyourw7046897857806700544/comments/
@JasminePilar , do you have some thoughts?