TSIA World Envision Conference Las Vegas Oct 21-23
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Shortened Holiday Hours for SaaS Support Dept


Has anyone implemented adjusted holiday hours and how was that received by your customers? Did you notice customer frustration through CSATs or customer sentiment during that period?


I manage a support team at a primarily SaaS organization. We're considering shortening our "live support" hours during the upcoming Thanksgiving, Winter, and New Year's holidays. We currently offer live support Monday through Friday from 8:00am to 8:00pm with 4 shifts of consultants. We're looking at shortening our live support hours to 9:00am to 6:00pm during the holidays. With less workforce due to holiday PTO, we believe we'll be able to provide better and more timely support if we don't have to spread the remaining consultant across 4 shifts.


  • Neal Hatton
    Neal Hatton Member | Enthusiast ✭


    It depends quite a bit on what your SaaS product does for your customers. Is it mission critical, like enabling the operations of an airline or used in some sensitive applications? If not, then I think you would be fine with what you are proposing. Essentially you are only reducing 3 hours per day, which I wouldn't think would cause the customers to knock your CSAT, so long as you let folks know in advance so that they could plan for it.

  • Thank you, Neal. That's helpful perspective.

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