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Categories for 360 Customer Review

Jaime Farinos
Jaime Farinos Founding Member | Scholar ✭✭

Hello Everyone,

In order to do a customer 360 review healthscore card I consider the following dimensions:

  1. Overall Sentiment
  2. Customer Readiness
  3. Product Sentiment
  4. Bugs
  5. Implementation Readiness
  6. Support/CSAT/CE
  7. Company
  8. Adoption

What other categories do you consider? How do you carry out your 360 customer reviews?


  • Alexander Ziegler
    Alexander Ziegler Founding Member | Expert ✭✭✭

    I like your categories. As there is lots of data from TSIA that Education is driving adoption as well as Education is reducing Support cases (and I'm sure somebody from TSIA will point you to the right reports) my suggestion would be to also add a category "Education".

  • David Perrault
    David Perrault Founding Analyst | Expert ✭✭✭

    @Jaime Farinos Visibility and engagement level with customers' key stakeholders also provides a view of how close you are to your customers.

  • AdamFuller
    AdamFuller Member | Enthusiast ✭

    @Jaime Farinos When conducting with individual customers we will generally include a Business Value Assessment/Attainment as part of our 360 to ensure our customers are receiving the specific value that drove them to purchase our product.

  • Jaime Farinos
    Jaime Farinos Founding Member | Scholar ✭✭

    @Alexander Ziegler , love the idea of calling out Education. In my mind it is a part of Customer Readiness, but I really like the idea of splitting it into a separate category, it makes a lot of sense, especially when it comes to complex solutions with many different education offerings that can help

    @David Perrault that sounds very interesting, how do you drive, display that?

    @Adam Fuller do you do this in a qualitative/quantitative/both ways? Is it standard , or based on a benchmark or let's say on a Success Plan?

  • StevenForth
    StevenForth Founding Partner | Expert ✭✭✭

    Hi @Jaime Farinos For me this is missing the core of customer support.

    1. What value is promised (in marketing, sales, within the product, in communications by customer success)
    2. What value has been delivered (and how has this been recorded and documented)
    3. What value will be delivered (OK not part of a 360 per se but important to plan and communicate around this)

    Value needs to be at the centre of customer success and to do this in a scalable and repeatable manner you need a formal model of value. There are three aspects to value: economic, emotional, community. To work effectively you need to have a value model that you made promises on and are tracking against.

  • StevenForth
    StevenForth Founding Partner | Expert ✭✭✭

    Another thing I have been thinking about recently is 'What skills are needed to get value from a solution?' One reason some customers struggle to get value is they are missing skills needed to do so. Perhaps this is the underlying reason that education and training is so important, it can help solve for skill gaps.

  • Alexander Ziegler
    Alexander Ziegler Founding Member | Expert ✭✭✭

    @Jaime Farinos yes, I would also think Education is part of Customer Readiness, but lots of people are forgetting about it and its value. Therefore splitting it out gives visibility. And if you think that there is lots of data from TSIA that Education adds lots of value for adoption you would normally think that every deal has Education included - which I believe is not the case anywhere. Regarding your comment around different education offerings for complex solutions: Have you thought about a consolidation? Putting all together into one Subscription to make things easy?

    @Steven Forth I fully agree. There is a certain 'learning' of most companies prior to buying a solution, but once the buying decision is made learning need to start for the organization. And as you said lots of customers struggle to get value as they're missing skills. I'm wondering when companies start focussing more on adding the right skills directly into the deals.

  • David Perrault
    David Perrault Founding Analyst | Expert ✭✭✭

    @Jaime Farinos try to map your perfect tree of customer contacts: stakeholders, decision makers, technical team, ops team ,etc... obviously highly dependent on your business. Then you can rate your customer based on how well connected you are within that customer compared to your base model. Expansion within an account is in my experience highly dependent on your reach within your account.

  • Alexander Ziegler
    Alexander Ziegler Founding Member | Expert ✭✭✭

    @Jaime Farinos I have to say your comment is bringing an interesting new dimension into a 360 Degree review that I have never seen but which I like: summarizing your statement then @Jaime Farinos should add a category "9. Reach inot pre-defined typical Client Stakeholders". I would have never added this, but I agree that this is a great and simple criteria. I'm wondering if anybody else out here is already using something like this in their 360 Degree Reviews?

  • Courtney Ellis
    Courtney Ellis Founding Member | Scholar ✭✭

    @Jaime Farinos We've recently added a COVID score and dashboard. Since this landscape is a new challenge, we wanted to look specifically at this vantage point. Customers are divided into categories based on industry, and the impact felt (ex: tourism and hospitality would be more at risk than a SaaS company). CSMs can also influence the score based on customers request for concessions, changes in billing, etc.

  • GailPropson
    GailPropson Founding Partner | Scholar ✭✭

    @Jaime Farinos Most everyone has responded to your list of categories but not the process to conduct a customer 360 review. Based on your list of categories I see a 360 customer review as a more personal process, Using a traditional method to gather feedback, i.e. a relationship surveys via email; the question set would be far too long and provide a low response rate.

    Using a structured interview either by phone or face to face gives you the opportunity to ask deeper questions and gain deeper insights. As @Courtney Ellis mentioned look customers by categories. I would add select a cross-section of customers from these categories, similar to an employee 360 feedback measurement.

    Using the results from your traditional feedback methods compared to the 360 process could provide a number opportunities ,i.e. gaps in service, improvements to survey process.

  • Carlos Alves
    Carlos Alves TSIA Administrator, Moderator, Founding Member | admin

    only two: 1. P&L (cost vs revenue: incentives/rebates) ; 2. New generated opportunities (pipeline)

  • DarrylBenjamin
    DarrylBenjamin Founding Member | Scholar ✭✭

    Hi Jamie, a lot of good input from the members, the only thing I might add to truly gauge the real "value" the customer perceives from the company's products/services would be:

    9) Will you continue buy or renew products and services?

    10) Would you recommend XXX product and services to others.

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