Definition of First Contact Resolution for a non case handling model



I am reviewing FCR for our Tier1 model, which does not have case ownership. Does anyone have a similar model in Saas and if so how are you defining FCR? Also once the case is closed(without confirmation of resolution from the customer) how many business days do you allow the FCR to be impacted by a repeat contact?

Best Answer

  • Sara Johnson
    Sara Johnson Member | Guru ✭✭✭✭✭
    Answer ✓

    One method is to use a soft close process when the support engineer is confident the solution provided will resolve the customer’s issue. At that point the resolution clock stops and if the customer does not respond, that soft close time is your resolution time and FCR time (if there was only one interaction with the customer). Then, using automation, move the case through to closure on a set schedule which may differ depending on your customer expectations.


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Senior MSC and Gainsight Specialist | mod

    Hi Julie,

    Great question! I remember reading this great blog ( around leveraging video to increase FCR in your support org, check it out see if it helps. It does not touch on defining FCR but I found it very insightful and unique.

    Im hoping that we might have some founding members that could also provide some insight in to the question, like @Sumit Bhat or @Daniel Coullet. 😀

  • [Deleted User]

    @Juliebarrett Aside from other community members who may share their personal experiences, there may be additional industry data insight available to you specifically as a member of the Support Services research practice.

    Feel free to select the “Ask a Research Executive” button to the right of the discussion..

    @Sara Johnson or @David Baca is there something more you would like to share on this topic?