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What are best-in-class benchmark for deployment times for XCaaS deployment?Dear Members, Any insights on XCaaS deployment time benchmarks will be helpful. Assuming an enterprise customer with >$5K MRR and multiple US sites: 1) What is the industry benchmark for how long …Answered DivyaAgarwal 51 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by JP Azurin Technology & Services Strategy
What is Product Led Growth (PLG) and is it relevant to B2B?What is Product Led Growth (PLG) and is it relevant to B2B? This is a topic that has come up in a number of my conversations of late and I wanted share in case of interest. This is really about the d…
Looking for resources on industry benchmarking for Case Deflection and EscalationI am currently interning in the Value Consulting department at Coveo, and conducting a project on industry benchmark across Support Services. I am on the hunt for data on support metrics (like case…Answered FalahRajput 151 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by [Deleted User] Technology & Services Strategy
What are the best practices / resources for starting an online community for customers?Greetings! I am a CSM and am looking to start an online community for customers. I am interested in any resources (podcasts, articles, blog posts, courses etc) or best practices that might be out the…
Digital Adoption Platform for servicesI'm wondering if anyone can recommend a Digital Adoption Platform (or equivalent) designed specifically for onboarding customers to managed services. Most seem to be designed for onboarding users to …Answered ✓ StephenSpence 62 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Denise Stokowski Customer Success
Do you have any thoughts to share about SWARM?Hello! I am researching SWARM as a strategy and more specifically Team SWARM Strategy. I am looking for some insight on the principles of what it really means to SWARM, what it looks like in action,…
What are the attach rate standards for a Managed Services offering?One of our clients is building their Enterprise Managed Services Offering. They are trying to establish attach rate goals based on industry standards/ benchmarks. Would like to know from the communit…Answered ✓ DivyaAgarwal 325 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by George Humphrey Technology & Services Strategy
Definition of First Contact Resolution for a non case handling modelHi, I am reviewing FCR for our Tier1 model, which does not have case ownership. Does anyone have a similar model in Saas and if so how are you defining FCR? Also once the case is closed(without confi…Answered ✓ Juliebarrett 122 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Sara Johnson Services Delivery & Operations
Executive Sponsorship ProgramsI am looking to develop an executive sponsorship program around customer escalation. I have been conducting research over the past few days and am looking to talk with someone who has created a progr…
How to track partial churnI was wondering if I could get some insight on best practices to track partial churn. We utilize Salesforce Opportunities to track our renewals and Gainsight as our CS tool. We can easily track full …Answered AdmirHadziabulic 62 views 2 comments 1 point Most recent by [Deleted User] Customer Success
Creating a platform to gather, build and consolidate best practices from multiple productsI am responsible for building out a platform and process for making project best practices openly available on the web. Where it becomes more difficult is that this platform would accommodate multipl…
Is there a standard for what % of time a SW dev team works on features to satisfy existing users?Hello TSIA community! I hope you are all doing well. I am hoping to get some insight from the community regarding on average, what percentage of time a software development team is working on differe…Answered ✓ TommyGlicker 143 views 7 comments 1 point Most recent by StevenForth Technology & Services Strategy
Benchmark for Email Support SLAsHi, We are a SaaS company looking at revising our SLAs for email Support cases. Looking for insight/best practices that others employ. Thanks, CorinneAnswered Corinne Flanagan 91 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by SteveCloughesy Services Delivery & Operations
Staffing for "Floating" CSM CoverageHi, How are some of you managing if you have high attrition or churn in your CS org? Has anyone ever created a justification for a "floating" CSM? Thank you.
Security SLAs/SLOsHello TSIA community, we saw the pandemic accelerating the digital transformation and with this also the concerns related to security on the products have either hosted on-prem or public cloud. Cust…Answered Goncalo Pereira 141 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Goncalo Pereira Technology & Services Strategy
How do you train/improve upon the skills of your Customer Success team? Certifications?This question has come up in a lot of conversations. Organizations are wondering what others have done when putting together an onboarding program for CSMs. Also what well-known certification progr…
We are in the process of evaluating a new Customer Success Tool.The challenge is to find all requirements in one platform. It would be interesting to get your feedback on the type of platform your Customer Success Managers use to track: Health Monitoring Lifecycl…Answered ✓ Martina Stiegler 161 views 12 comments 0 points Most recent by StevenForth Customer Success
Barriers to building an on-demand workforceSeveral speakers at TSIA Interact talked about the idea of a blended workforce-- where some of the work is done by freelancers, particularly those local to the customer and where there are dispersed …Answered ✓ KrisFuehr 91 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by KrisFuehr Services Delivery & Operations
Data Retention TimelineHello TSIA Community! From a Support Services/IT perspective, I'm hoping to get some insight into data retention timelines. I think "case" or "ticket" data should be kept for a …Answered ✓ ChrisHolm 51 views 4 comments 1 point Most recent by C. Kyle Johnson Technology & Services Strategy
How should service credits revenue be allocated & recognized when delivery is across departments?We have 2 general types of credits. One is used for training. Those are typically created over a certain time period and amortized monthly over that period whether or not the customer uses it. We are…Answered Serges Lemo 131 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by StevenForth Services Delivery & Operations
Is there a standard approach to converting a Likert Scale to a CSAT%?Depending on the source, I get strong opinions with one of three options that seem to be commonly used. In our case, we have survey options that are roughly worded in this manner: "The service …Answered ✓ David Newman 19.8K views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Dave Baca Services Delivery & Operations
Prepaying a budget for fixed-fee services?I have a fixed fee services question for the group. If you offer fixed fee services, do you let your clients pre-purchase a budget in advance? We have a fixed fee services menu and a client that want…Answered Greg Higgins 71 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Serges Lemo Services Delivery & Operations
What titles/role names you use in your organization for a Technical Support Engineer?Does anyone in this forum use a different title or role names for Technical Support Engineer / Product support engineer ? Also would appreciate any insights on the nomenclature used in your teams for…Answered ✓ SumitBhat 1.7K views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by Olivier Pierrot Services Delivery & Operations
Marketing Automation in Renewals – 30 second member pollAs a speaker on marketing automation at our upcoming TSIA Interact, I’d like to hear your thoughts on using automated emails in your renewals program. 1) Do you currently use automated emails for c…
Which global companies are recommended as a benchmark?Which global companies are recommended as a benchmark regarding the succesful transformation into a professional services & solutions company? Especially around (changing) governance and organiz…Answered Frank Kauffmann 41 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by StevenForth Services Delivery & Operations
Anyone have experience implementing Robotic Process Automation (RPA) to generate renewal quotes?Hi All, I'm doing research on this automation topic and interested in the experience of others about practical applications of RPA in the renewal sales workflow. Thanks, Doug
Project Time Tracking and Employee Time TrackingHi All, I've had previous experience using Dovico as a subscription based time tracking tool. What other products out there have you used and what kind of feedback can you share about this products?…Answered GavinMurray 51 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by [Deleted User] Services Delivery & Operations
Where does the training and support of Partners live?Good afternoon! Due to the growth of partner selling and solution outsourcing, one topic that seems to come up often recently is how companies can best equip their partners. Does anyone have any r…Answered ✓ ChrisHolm 61 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Alexander Ziegler Technology & Services Strategy
How are you calculating Time to Resolution (TTR)?Hello! My question is related to Time to Resolution. How are you calculating TTR and are you including weekends (i.e. business days versus calendar days)? Also, do you include time spent in "Wai…Answered Karen Bautista 325 views 6 comments 0 points Most recent by Karen Bautista Services Delivery & Operations
Knowledge Management Best PracticesBackground: We are looking to establish an improved Knowledge Management process and capabilities for collecting market and customer information, as well as internal insights from the company’s own e…Answered ✓ Thomas Sjostrom 213 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by [Deleted User] Customer Success
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