TSIA Discussions
A community for technology and services professionals to navigate business challenges together.
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Mental Well-BeingRichard Branson says, "If you take care of your employees, they will take care of your clients." What has your company been doing to promote the mental well-being of your employees during …
How are you combating the increase in non-renewals of service contracts?Are there new services or deliverables that you are offering to keep customers that are trying to reduce their spending.Answered ✓ David Hartley 27 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Gavin O'Leary Services Delivery & Operations
Is anyone seeing a trend back toward in-person Professional Services delivery?Hi All - Have you seen any indication of trends from clients whether a return to in-person professional services (PS) delivery is anticipated in 2020, or is the sense that clients will expect PS pro…Answered CindyYoung 61 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by Alexander Ziegler Services Delivery & Operations
Are you seeing a reduction in partner labor rates?An effect of the pandemic has been an increase in the unemployment rate. With the labor market not as constrained as it was a year ago, have you seen as an outcome a willingness of third parties to …Answered ✓ TraeShattuck 23 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by StevenForth Services Delivery & Operations
Instructor EnablementI'd love to talk with someone about how you're utilizing instructors during any down time and keeping them focused on the virtual customer experience.Answered Jacqueline Sell 36 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Bill Hor Services Delivery & Operations
The Building Blocks for an XaaS Partner FrameworkDo you have a question for me related to the webinar topic below? Please ask your questions here Any question we miss during the webinar we will be addressing here in the community following the live…Question Anne McClelland 183 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Anne McClelland Revenue Growth
What new ways have you found to maintain and grow customer engagement since COVID?For example, turning physical offerings into digital ones, increasing touch-points, etc.Answered ✓ Christopher Vasquez 24 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Jack Johnson Revenue Growth
RE: Customer Success offer - how do you manage service entitlements, at a site, enterprise, etc?Working on several levels as we are monetizing our CSM offer, an Advanced level - and an Advanced Enterprise level. I'm interested in understanding how best to allocate the CSM engagements when mul…
Capacity management leading practicesWe are looking to up level how we analyze our capacity trends, using pipeline and existing resource pool skills. What are some things your organization is doing that are working really well?Answered Katy Allen 22 views 1 comment 0 points Most recent by Spencer Hancock Services Delivery & Operations
What is the biggest challenge you see supporting customers during this pandemic?I am keen to learn more about examples of how companies are supporting their end users or customers during this unique time of IT lock downs, remote workers and so much more.Answered ✓ Gerry Nolan 52 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by Gerry Nolan Services Delivery & Operations
Leaders in the live chat and chatbot landscapeFrom a feature set and innovation perspective, who are the key leaders in the live chat and chatbot landscapes? What new features will define these industries over the coming years?Answered Omair Peracha 51 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by John Ragsdale Technology & Services Strategy
Customers moving from Phone to Chat... whatsapp?During this crisis, many customers have switch from Phone to Chat. Probably easier to chat if working from home with people around than phone call. There is still a way to go, but clearly it is a fas…Answered ✓ Alex Vecino 87 views 5 comments 1 point Most recent by John Ragsdale Services Delivery & Operations
Are you seeing a significant shift from field delivered services to carry-in/depot services?For business customers, hardware repairs have been historically delivered at their place of business. Given the current pandemic, are your customers shifting to other methods of delivering break/fix…Answered ✓ TraeShattuck 22 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by John Ragsdale Services Delivery & Operations
Self-Service Surveys - What questions does your organization ask?My organization has taken on a huge initiative to launch self-service to our client base and one of the KPIs that we're wanting to use to measure success are survey results. I have seen a lot of mate…Answered Tim Schauer 458 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by GailPropson Services Delivery & Operations
What has been the biggest COVID driven change in the way you do sales?How has COVID impacted new business generation and led to a change in the modus operandi or process of your sales?
Defending the Customer Success team with Cross Functional Peers Questioning ValueWith pressure on all Tech Software companies to at a minimum, maintain the revenue status quo (and margins), to minimize churn and continue the upward trend in NPS, I continue to come across extended…
Are you seeing an increased demand from clients to outsource?We are seeing in some regions that more clients are looking to outsource, including people and assets (trends similar to 2009/ 10), in an attempt to optimise costs. Are others seeing the same? Or ar…
Product Offers & Pricing in a Post Covid-19 WorldDo you have a question for me related to the webinar topic below? Please ask your questions here Any question we miss during the webinar we will be addressing here in the community following the liv…Question LauraFay 245 views 13 comments 8 points Most recent by LauraFay Technology & Services Strategy
Current growth patterns with eLearning subscription enrollments and consumption?Wondering what everyone is seeing in terms of growth for eLearning subscription users. Are you seeing the same type of increases in eLearning subscription enrollments as you are with virtual ILT? Add…Answered Christy Vega 31 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by AlyssaOrtiz Services Delivery & Operations
The Next Level of Scaling Customer SuccessDo you have a question for me related to the webinar topic below? Please ask your questions here Any question we miss during the webinar we will be addressing here in the community following the live…
Partners accessing customer data & AnalyticsHello community! Are XAAS Editors partnering with Channel Partners giving access to data & analytics for free or do Channel partners have to pay fees for accessing these precious customers data &…Answered Florent LECLERCQ 133 views 9 comments 0 points Most recent by Anne McClelland Revenue Growth
Do you see differences in the current need for Digital Learning dependent on Geographies?There was always a difference between Europe / NA / LA / AP / Africa and acceptance of Digital Learning. I'm wondering if in times of COVID19 you're seeing changes? Are there Geographies that are mov…Answered ✓ Alexander Ziegler 61 views 4 comments 0 points Most recent by Maria Manning Chapman Services Delivery & Operations
Upcoming Rapid Research Response PollsWe have a new set of Rapid Research Response polls lined up for the month of June, expect to see one every Tuesday. Topics include very virtual offices, services convergence, and customer migration t…Question Jeremy DalleTezze 104 views 2 comments 4 points Most recent by Jeremy DalleTezze Services Delivery & Operations
Dashboard/Balanced Scorecard for comparing Market UnitWe are working on a Exec Dashboard focused on comparing performance across our North America Services Market Units. The goal is to provide a concise ~2 page format of key insights to regional leaders…Answered Tim Klimavicz 75 views 2 comments 0 points Most recent by CindyYoung Services Delivery & Operations
How are people applying scenario planning to technology services?The events of the past few months have renewed my interest in formal scenario planning. I found myself and my business less well prepared for Covid 19 than I would have hoped. I have now begun the ha…Answered StevenForth 21 views 2 comments 5 points Most recent by StevenForth Services Delivery & Operations
What new skills are needed for customer success to be effective in times of economic uncertainty?Customer success does need new skills. How are people helping management and HR understand the new skills needed for customer success? Customer success is very different from customer support but not…
Are Product Analytics Accessible to Customer Success Teams?Does the CS team have influence on the product roadmap to get the needed product analytics to run effective customer engagements? What cross team practices make a difference?Answered LauraFay 82 views 7 comments 1 point Most recent by Carlos Alves Services Delivery & Operations
Analytics Champions Community Virtual Session Call for Speakers!TSIA's Analytics Champions Community, a community that brings members together to generate and share analytics related content, seeks presenters for our next virtual session! Scheduled for early Sept…Answered Sean Jones 23 views 1 comment 6 points Most recent by Lexi Provost Services Delivery & Operations
How are companies getting customers to renew subscriptions in the COVID environment?How are you getting customers to renew education subscriptions in the COVID-19 environment?Answered Bill Hor 31 views 5 comments 0 points Most recent by StevenForth Services Delivery & Operations
Employer Supports for Pandemic ParentingMy organization has been quite gracious and extremely flexible with scheduling and extra "coworkers" popping into meetings as many parents abruptly found themselves without childcare. Our H…Answered ✓ Courtney Ellis 21 views 3 comments 0 points Most recent by Andréanne Young Technology & Services Strategy
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