Services Delivery & Operations
Support & Field, Professional, Managed Services, and Training
Discussion List
SLA as Chat transitions to CaseHi All, When a case originates in Chat but can't be solved and becomes a case, what SLA do you apply at that time? Do they get priority when they enter the case queue or are your initial SLAs applie…
Services Nomenclature - 20 Second Member PollAs a historically on-premise software company that has pivoted to being a SaaS Provider we are reviewing post sale department/team names within our organization. The goal is to ensure we are aligned …
How do you categorize behavioral skills to allocate tickets to qualified staff?We are looking for frameworks/schema/approaches that other complex support organizations have used to categorize behavioral skills. In our case, we’ve developed a unified technical skills matrix that…
Utilization - If you calculate utilization - what do you include? What is your equation?If you calculate utilization... Do you calculate the factor differently for Exempt vs Non-Exempt resources? (Does the denominator hours change based on Exempt vs Non-Exempt?) What hours do you inclu…
Is anyone blending their Remote Support and Field Support resouces?For example, we are working towards using Field Service Engineers supporting our Remote Support customers while not utilized with field engagements. If so: How are you scheduling Field Service Engi…
Do you survey both the chat instance and the case when one becomes necessary?We are currently surveying both the chat instance and when a case becomes necessary, that case as well. They are generally worked and closed by different resources and I think we need to know how we …
What is your survey response rate?Hi folks - Lately i've been spending a good bit of time digging into our survey response rate and trying to find trends. We have an amazing response rate at about 75%. Curious if other IT Training…
Do you survey re-opened cases?Looking for input from the community on whether you survey cases when re-opened, which could result in a case being surveyed multiple times. If yes, how do you account for an engineer receiving two s…
ES under Product Organization - what is your experience?Does anyone know of an ES organisation that sits under Product organisation? I am curious to learn about what are the Pros and Cons of that set-up.
CSAT/Customer Satisfaction for Professional Service Engagments/Projects?Hi, What questions/feedback are you requesting from Customers on close of a Professional Services engagement? Are you just asking for Satisfaction, if they would hire the consultant, ect.
iOS vs Android Usage in Inpatient Facilities by CliniciansHi there, I'm hoping to find current research that focuses on the percentage of inpatient care providers that use iOS vs Android devices for clinical care. We'd love any insights that others have ga…
How do you combat the issue of agents not logging out?What are your enterprise support centers doing to combat the issue when agents forget to log out at the end of their shift?
Webinar - Bridging the Gap Between Education and Support Services OrganizationsWe received multiple questions during today's live webinar that @David Baca and I didn't have time to answer. We will be posting our answers to those questions here, and of course gladly welcome new …
Early November Transactional Support Survey Response RateIs anyone else seeing a significant dip in survey response rates for transactional support surveys (CSAT and CES) in the first week of November? Our market is United States healthcare. I'm wondering …
Data Privacy regulations effects on digital transformation, i.e. Europe and Germany specificHow are you dealing with the data privacy regulations when digitalizing your enterprise solutions? Limiting access do by compliant to user data both internal and customer, not be able to take full us…
Intelligent Case Routing - What solution are you using?Hello TSIA Community, We are starting to evaluate various vendors for an automated case routing solution. I was curious to know what solutions are you currently using and how satisfied you are with …
Adding a platinum level support tier. What do you include in yours?We provide support for an on-premise software platform that is used by a variety of sectors and our customer range in size from SMB's to Tier 1 organizations. We currently have a standard and premium…
Are you using Customer Journey Maps in Customer Service and Support?Customer Journey Maps (CJMs) capture the customer's experience as they interact with your product or service. While Process Maps capture the steps in a process from the company's perspective, CJMs ca…
How to convince customers to initiate stalled services projectsI am a Senior consultant working for a product company and I work for PSO(Professional services organisation). We sell services as part of license deals or upsell services individually to existing cu…
Virtual classroom toolsWhat tools are you using to deliver vILTs? I am looking for something that is engaging, innovative and immersive to a degree.
Employee Productivity SuiteWith so many folks now working from home does anyone have knowledge of an employee productivity analytics tool? This is going to sound a bit big brother-e, but I have long thought that a analytics to…
Data Analytics Tools for the TradeToday with Customer Support we have selected MS Power BI and the primary data delivery/dashboard tool. However, I know there are other Tools like Tableau that are standard and have various advantage…
Feedback CultureGood Day All, I hope everyone is well. Lately, I am hearing a lot of chatter regarding the topic of a "Feedback Culture". I am curious to know if your organization employs the historic annu…
What new techniques are being used to develop customer relationships when delivering remotely?This is a question that came out of our interactive member to member session on "extreme remote services." Companies are concerned it will be harder to build personal relationships with cus…
Remote Worker ExpensesThe Covid-19 Pandemic continues to impact the world and more companies are permitting employees to work from home. I am curious what "work from home" expenses is your company willing to rei…
How do you apply market segmentation to customer success?Effective market segmentation is the key to marketing, sales and pricing. The state of the art is to segment markets based on how customers get economic, emotional and community value. How are peopl…
Introducing Self-ServiceWe want to introduce self-service to support our customers which use our software. Since we are still at the very beginning of the journey, I would be interested in learning from experience so as not…
Support Resolution Time CalculationHi all! Our reps mark a ticket as resolved in ZenDesk aligned with the following definition: “Resolution” consists of providing, as appropriate, one of the following to Client: an existing correctio…
Is business sentiment changing?Despite the flare ups and second wave concerns in many places I am sensing a general improvement in business sentiment. In our case we are seeing deals that had been stalled for months begin to move …
Categories for 360 Customer ReviewHello Everyone, In order to do a customer 360 review healthscore card I consider the following dimensions: Overall Sentiment Customer Readiness Product Sentiment Bugs Implementation Readiness Support…
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- CX / Customer Experience 6
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- SaaS Support Models 5
- Customer Training 4
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- Technology Services Product Management 1
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