Services Delivery & Operations
Support & Field, Professional, Managed Services, and Training
Discussion List
Has your frequency of cash flow analysis changed during this time of COVID?What was your cadence before? Q/M/W? Was the timeliness more driven by effort or interest? At FinancialForce, we used to look at it weekly, we now track cash flow on a daily basis
Are you seeing an uptake in digital self service based on the global pandemic?We're focussed as a company on B2B and so far we sell our services and products via face to face reps, on self-service marketplaces and also via channel etc. I'm wondering if anybody is experiencing …
What is your biggest Analytic Challenge/Biggest Spreadsheet Effort?What is your biggest analytic challenge/struggle? I guess another way to ask is what is the spreadsheet that takes the most effort to generate? I can tell you at FinancialForce our biggest analytic…
Are you using a Workforce Management System for Support organizations?Hi! We are currently looking at finding a more efficient way to route our incoming cases to our support members and would like to take several factors in consideration: Skill/Capability Workload dist…
Is your company covering the cost of employee's or 3rd party providers COVID tests?There are customers & jurisdictions that are requiring service delivery personnel to have COVID tests prior to going onto the customer premises. is your company covering the testing cost for you…
Support Services productivity through the pandemic...Hi All, I would love to hear how was your support team productivity impacted since the pandemic start. And, what is your top KPI for productivity? Stay well!
When do you expect live classroom training (ILT) classes to return?Looking to see when folks expect ILT classes to return in the US?
Are you seeing different KPIs for Virtual training vs Onsite ILT?How have the KPIs for end user training changed as we move from Onsite to Virtual ILT?
As Analysts / Scientists are you utilizing fairness, ethics, accountability and transparency (FEAT)?Please leave a comment if you have thoughts on FEAT affecting machine learning and concerns around the AI space within your work.
Services or commercial compromises to keep selling?Have you seen the need to compromise/reduce - either in Service delivery or on commercials - to the current economic climate where sales cycles are longer, buyers may be more cautious and appetite to…
Benchmark for effort distributionHi Looking for % effort distribution benchmarks for a professional service project. Phases = Planning, Requirements, Design, Build, and Test Alternately a cost distribution may also help.
What new Field Services innovations are resulting from this pandemic?What are some of the more interesting innovations in Field Services occurring these days? And, the most common?
How are you combating the increase in non-renewals of service contracts?Are there new services or deliverables that you are offering to keep customers that are trying to reduce their spending.
Is anyone seeing a trend back toward in-person Professional Services delivery?Hi All - Have you seen any indication of trends from clients whether a return to in-person professional services (PS) delivery is anticipated in 2020, or is the sense that clients will expect PS pro…
Are you seeing a reduction in partner labor rates?An effect of the pandemic has been an increase in the unemployment rate. With the labor market not as constrained as it was a year ago, have you seen as an outcome a willingness of third parties to …
Instructor EnablementI'd love to talk with someone about how you're utilizing instructors during any down time and keeping them focused on the virtual customer experience.
Capacity management leading practicesWe are looking to up level how we analyze our capacity trends, using pipeline and existing resource pool skills. What are some things your organization is doing that are working really well?
What is the biggest challenge you see supporting customers during this pandemic?I am keen to learn more about examples of how companies are supporting their end users or customers during this unique time of IT lock downs, remote workers and so much more.
Customers moving from Phone to Chat... whatsapp?During this crisis, many customers have switch from Phone to Chat. Probably easier to chat if working from home with people around than phone call. There is still a way to go, but clearly it is a fas…
Are you seeing a significant shift from field delivered services to carry-in/depot services?For business customers, hardware repairs have been historically delivered at their place of business. Given the current pandemic, are your customers shifting to other methods of delivering break/fix…
Self-Service Surveys - What questions does your organization ask?My organization has taken on a huge initiative to launch self-service to our client base and one of the KPIs that we're wanting to use to measure success are survey results. I have seen a lot of mate…
Current growth patterns with eLearning subscription enrollments and consumption?Wondering what everyone is seeing in terms of growth for eLearning subscription users. Are you seeing the same type of increases in eLearning subscription enrollments as you are with virtual ILT? Add…
Do you see differences in the current need for Digital Learning dependent on Geographies?There was always a difference between Europe / NA / LA / AP / Africa and acceptance of Digital Learning. I'm wondering if in times of COVID19 you're seeing changes? Are there Geographies that are mov…
Upcoming Rapid Research Response PollsWe have a new set of Rapid Research Response polls lined up for the month of June, expect to see one every Tuesday. Topics include very virtual offices, services convergence, and customer migration t…
Dashboard/Balanced Scorecard for comparing Market UnitWe are working on a Exec Dashboard focused on comparing performance across our North America Services Market Units. The goal is to provide a concise ~2 page format of key insights to regional leaders…
How are people applying scenario planning to technology services?The events of the past few months have renewed my interest in formal scenario planning. I found myself and my business less well prepared for Covid 19 than I would have hoped. I have now begun the ha…
Are Product Analytics Accessible to Customer Success Teams?Does the CS team have influence on the product roadmap to get the needed product analytics to run effective customer engagements? What cross team practices make a difference?
Analytics Champions Community Virtual Session Call for Speakers!TSIA's Analytics Champions Community, a community that brings members together to generate and share analytics related content, seeks presenters for our next virtual session! Scheduled for early Sept…
How are companies getting customers to renew subscriptions in the COVID environment?How are you getting customers to renew education subscriptions in the COVID-19 environment?
Response Rate Changes to Customer Experience Surveys?We have been surprised by lower email response rates to customer experience surveys in recent months. Has anyone else experienced this challenge and what actions are you taking to encourage particip…
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